Datin Chong Lee Hui was appointed to our Board asan Independent Non-Executive Director on 1 July2022. She is the Chairperson of the Nomination andRemuneration Committee and serves as a member ofthe Audit and Risk Management Committee.
Datin Chong graduated with a Bachelor’s Degreein Laws from the University of London in 1998 and aMaster of Laws from the University of Malaya in 2003.Datin Chong joined Messrs. Halim Hong & Quek asan Advocate and Solicitor in 2000. With 23 yearsof practising in the area of real estate and projectdevelopment, Datin Chong is regularly engaged bymajor developers, corporate clients and financialinstitutions for advice and representation in mattersrelating to real estate.
Datin Chong has vast experience in advising andrepresenting major property developers in the sale andpurchase transactions of mixed developments, landedstratified developments, guarded neighbourhoodprojects, as well as commercial industrial developmentswith freehold and leasehold titles. Datin Chong does alsoadvise foreigners on legal matters relating to propertypurchases in Malaysia, as well as real estate taxes.Aside from frequently advising property developersand purchasers on conveyancing matters andhomeownership schemes, Datin Chong has representedseveral corporate bodies in the purchase of large estatesand industrial land and the sale and purchase of officebuildings. Datin Chong is also regularly sought for advicein matters relating to tenancy and strata management,whereby she has broad experience in providing adviceon matters relating to the management of commercialdevelopments, formation of management corporationsand many other related issues.
On top of that, Datin Chong is entrusted by the Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia (“REHDA”) as one of the task force committee members to discuss with respective stakeholders on the proposed amendments to the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966, Strata Management Act 2013 and proposed Commercial Residence Act. In the area of Banking & Finance, Datin Chong has advised and represented major local and foreign banks in the completion of financing facilities for corporate bodies, structuring and finalisation of cross-border loans, conventional and Islamic property financing, and facilitation of refinancing arrangements. Besides providing strong stewardship in heading the firm’s Real Estate Department, Datin Chong is the incumbent Deputy Head of its Risk Management Committee and heads the Learning & Development Team, through which she organises and provides various training sessions to empower and update clients on the latest laws relating to the real estate industry. She does not hold any other directorship in public companies and listed issuers in Malaysia.