Kami, Avaland Berhad, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada kumpulan syarikat, sekutu dan entiti yang diberi kuasa (selepas ini secara kolektif dirujuk sebagai "Avaland", "kami" dan/atau "kami") menghormati hak privasi anda dan semua maklumat peribadi yang anda berikan kepada kami. Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai "Akta") telah diperkenalkan di Malaysia untuk mengawal selia pemprosesan maklumat peribadi dalam transaksi komersial dan untuk melindungi kepentingan semua dan mana-mana individu yang berkaitan. Bagi tujuan Notis Privasi ini, istilah "data peribadi" dan "pemprosesan" hendaklah mempunyai makna yang sama seperti yang ditetapkan dalam Akta.


Akta ini telah dilaksanakan untuk mentadbir mana-mana orang yang memiliki dan mana-mana orang yang mempunyai kawalan ke atas atau membenarkan pemprosesan mana-mana data peribadi berkenaan dengan transaksi komersial. Avaland menghormati keperluan untuk mengekalkan kerahsiaan dan keselamatan maklumat peribadi yang mungkin telah anda berikan kepada kami melalui pelbagai saluran termasuk laman web kami. Anda dianggap telah membaca, memahami dan bersetuju dengan Avaland untuk melihat dan menggunakan data peribadi anda dalam peruntukan berkomunikasi yang sah dengan anda dengan cara yang dinyatakan di sini. Kedua-dua versi Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia bagi Notis Privasi ini tersedia untuk tujuan rujukan. Tertakluk kepada Akta, Avaland berhak untuk meminda, mengubah suai dan atau mengemas kini Notis Privasi dari masa ke semasa. 


Kami menerima data peribadi anda dengan sangat serius. Oleh itu, kami hanya akan mengumpul dan memproses maklumat peribadi yang diberikan secara khusus dan sukarela oleh anda, bergantung pada sifat urus niaga dan transaksi, termasuk tanpa had kepada yang berikut:

  1. salam hormat
  2. nama penuh (mengikut kad pengenalan / pasport / pengenalan sah lain)
  3. No. Kad Pengenalan / No. Pasport / No. ID Polis / No. ID Tentera Darat
  4. tarikh lahir
  5. Jantina
  6. Negara
  7. Kewarganegaraan
  8. Alamat surat-menyurat
  9. Alamat e-mel
  10. nombor telefon
  11. Agama
  12. Perlumbaan
  13. Status Bumiputera
  14. pekerjaan/perniagaan
  15. Majikan
  16. Hubungan Majikan
  17. Jawatan/ Jawatan
  18. Pendapatan Bulanan, Julat Gaji
  19. Butiran pasangan / pihak ketiga**
  20. Kad Kredit No. atau maklumat umum akaun bank
  21. Sejarah dan Maklumat Perubatan 
  22. televisyen litar tertutup – imej (CCTV) gambar (untuk pelanggan sahaja)
  23. Nombor KWSP atau Cukai Pendapatan (untuk pekerja sahaja)
  24. Sejarah perjalanan
  25. Maklumat pinjaman
  26. Data gaya hidup

(semua di atas secara kolektif dikenali sebagai "Data Peribadi") 

Anda bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan bahawa Data Peribadi yang anda berikan kepada kami adalah tepat, lengkap dan tidak mengelirukan dan data peribadi tersebut sentiasa dikemas kini.

Kami boleh menggunakan dan memproses Data Peribadi anda berkaitan dengan perkhidmatan yang mungkin anda minta daripada Avaland termasuk tanpa had kepada yang berikut: -

  1. Tujuan pengambilan untuk pekerjaan
  2. langganan untuk buletin Avaland
  3. Penyertaan dalam aktiviti atau peraduan dalam talian
  4. penyertaan dalam forum perbincangan atau mesej
  5. pendaftaran untuk minat dalam melancarkan acara, promosi, tawaran dan lain-lain
  6. Memuat turun brosur dan bahan produk
  7. Tujuan pemasaran
  8. Tujuan pentadbiran dalaman Avaland seperti pengauditan, analisis data dan penyelidikan dan pembangunan
  9. untuk keselamatan dan pencegahan penipuan


Data Peribadi yang diberikan kepada kami adalah bersifat sukarela sepenuhnya dan anda tidak mempunyai sebarang kewajipan untuk berbuat demikian. Walau bagaimanapun, dalam beberapa keadaan seperti penyediaan dan pelaksanaan Perjanjian Jual Beli, Kontrak, Surat Anugerah Pembekal atau Surat Pekerjaan memerlukan butiran dan maklumat peribadi tertentu terlebih dahulu. Kegagalan untuk memberikan Data Peribadi boleh mengakibatkan perkara berikut yang kami tidak akan dipertanggungjawabkan untuk sebarang akibat yang timbul daripadanya:

  1. ketidakupayaan pihak-pihak untuk memformalkan mana-mana kontrak dan/atau perjanjian dan/atau Perjanjian Jual Beli / Tender / Surat Anugerah / Kontrak Pekerjaan berhubung dengan penjualan harta, produk dan/atau perkhidmatan kami, untuk memudahkan pembinaan atau untuk mengupah sumber manusia;
  2. ketidakupayaan kami untuk memberikan notis, perkhidmatan dan/atau produk yang diminta kepada anda; 
  3. ketidakupayaan untuk kami mengemas kini anda dengan produk dan/atau pelancaran terkini kami;
  4. ketidakupayaan untuk menyelesaikan transaksi komersial berhubung dengan projek, produk dan/atau perkhidmatan kami; dan
  5. ketidakupayaan untuk mematuhi mana-mana undang-undang, peraturan, arahan, perintah mahkamah yang berkenaan, mengikut undang-undang, garis panduan dan/atau kod yang terpakai kepada kami.


Data Peribadi anda sedang atau akan dikumpulkan dan diproses oleh kami untuk perkara berikut, jika berkaitan (selepas ini secara kolektif dirujuk sebagai "Tujuan").

  1. untuk memudahkan transaksi jualan anda termasuk tanpa had kepada penyediaan dokumen jualan yang berkaitan dan pentadbiran pelanggan;
  2. untuk memastikan pelaksanaan kewajipan pra-kontrak dan kontrak anda kepada kami;
  3. untuk menjalankan pemeriksaan latar belakang, semakan rujukan kredit dan mengesahkan kelayakan kredit anda, jika perlu;
  4. untuk mengesahkan dan menjalankan transaksi kewangan berhubung dengan pembayaran yang dibuat oleh atau kepada anda dan mentadbir dan memproses sebarang pembayaran yang berkaitan dengan produk dan/atau perkhidmatan yang diminta atau disediakan oleh anda;
  5. melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa kawal selia yang berkaitan;
  6. untuk terus berkomunikasi dengan anda termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada menyediakan barangan, memperluaskan perkhidmatan kami dan menjawab semua pertanyaan anda;
  7. untuk menjalankan aktiviti dalaman (contohnya pelaporan jualan, analisis dan lain-lain), tinjauan pasaran, analisis statistik dan trend termasuk untuk penyelidikan dan pembangunan;
  8. pemprosesan keahlian Aplikasi Ace by Avaland dan untuk semua tujuan yang berkaitan dengan Aplikasi Ace by Avaland di laman web, laman web Avaland dan platform media sosial Avaland yang mana berkenaan;
  9. berurusan dengan pentadbiran, bil, aduan dan sebarang tujuan lain yang berkaitan dengan harta anda;
  10. untuk membolehkan anda menyambung ke kemudahan Wi-Fi yang disediakan oleh Avaland atau pembekal perkhidmatan kami;
  11. untuk membolehkan anda mengakses mana-mana platform atau laman web dalam talian yang dimiliki, dikendalikan atau diuruskan oleh Avaland atau bagi pihak kami ("Platform");
  12. untuk menerbitkan gambar, imej atau rakaman video anda, yang ditangkap semasa penyertaan kami dalam mana-mana atau kempen kami, acara (sama ada dengan atau tanpa nama anda), di Platform atau media sosial lain atau di premis kami;
  13. untuk mengesahkan dan merekodkan butiran peribadi anda termasuk membandingkannya dengan maklumat daripada sumber lain dan menggunakan maklumat tersebut untuk berkomunikasi dengan anda;
  14. untuk memberi anda maklumat tentang syarikat kami, kumpulan syarikat kami dan produk dan perkhidmatan rakan kongsi perniagaan melainkan anda telah memberitahu Avaland bahawa anda tidak mahu Avaland memproses data anda untuk tujuan tersebut;
  15. untuk mematuhi sebarang perintah mahkamah atau arahan daripada pihak berkuasa yang menyiasat sebarang kesalahan yang didakwa, salah laku dan/atau penyalahgunaan atau menguatkuasakan mana-mana terma dalam perjanjian antara Avaland, di mana tindakan sedemikian diperlukan untuk melindungi dan mempertahankan hak atau harta benda kami;
  16. untuk memberi anda akses kepada mana-mana premis/kemudahan, termasuk premis/kemudahan yang dimiliki, dikendalikan atau diuruskan oleh Avaland atau bagi pihak kami;
  17. untuk melindungi keselamatan dan kesejahteraan anda dan pelawat/pelanggan lain ke premis kami; Dan
  18. untuk mematuhi keperluan, arahan, perintah atau arahan yang dikeluarkan oleh mana-mana agensi kerajaan atau pihak berkuasa kawal selia dan berkanun dan menguatkuasakan hak kami; dan/atau untuk tujuan lain yang berkaitan atau sampingan kepada perkara di atas.


Data Peribadi akan dikumpulkan, diproses dan digunakan oleh kami diperoleh daripada cara yang sah dan telus sepenuhnya seperti: 

  1. perjanjian dan kontrak untuk penjualan dan pembelian hartanah kami atau untuk perkhidmatan kami; 
  2. Borang pendaftaran rasmi (sama ada elektronik atau bercetak) untuk pelancaran baharu atau jerayawara hartanah, pameran, pameran atau sebarang acara promosi lain; 
  3. permintaan rasmi untuk borang Maklumat yang diberikan kepada anda oleh pekerja atau ejen kami; 
  4. sebarang e-mel atau sebarang surat-menyurat yang kami terima daripada anda yang meminta maklumat atau membuat sebarang pertanyaan; 
  5. apa-apa borang yang telah anda serahkan di laman web kami atau mana-mana laman web yang dikontrak oleh kami; 
  6. sebarang rujukan daripada seseorang yang telah menyertakan butiran hubungan peribadi mereka yang boleh disahkan; 
  7. surat atau daripada institusi kewangan (tempatan dan asing) untuk pinjaman yang telah diluluskan; dan
  8. kad perniagaan yang digugurkan atau diberikan kepada pekerja, ejen, broker atau rakan sekutu kami; atau sebarang dokumen (termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada borang berkanun dan penyata) yang telah diserahkan kepada kami untuk diproses. 

Mana-mana Data Peribadi tidak akan dibeli oleh kami atau dalam apa jua cara yang diperoleh secara komersial melalui pembelian atau perdagangan pangkalan data atau senarai Data Peribadi yang tidak sah dan menyalahi undang-undang.


Avaland tidak bertanggungjawab untuk mengesahkan mana-mana data peribadi pihak ketiga yang telah dibekalkan kepada Avaland (termasuk dan tanpa had) melalui cadangan, rujukan atau pencalonan kerana persetujuan pihak ketiga tersebut hendaklah diperolehi terlebih dahulu oleh pembekal data sebelum pendedahan kepada Avaland.


Avaland akan mengambil semua langkah yang munasabah untuk melindungi Data Peribadi anda semasa ia berada dalam jagaan kami. Walau bagaimanapun, Avaland berhak untuk mendedahkan maklumat kepada pengguna data pihak ketiga, termasuk tanpa had kepada yang berikut: -

  1. seperti dan apabila dikehendaki di bawah undang-undang untuk mendedahkan;
  2. untuk institusi perbankan dan kewangan (seperti permohonan pinjaman);
  3. untuk penggunaan Avaland yang dibenarkan;
  4. untuk peredaran bahan produk untuk Avaland;
  5. bagi pembekal perkhidmatan pihak ketiga kami, rakan kongsi perniagaan, badan pengurusan bersama, perbadanan pengurusan, persatuan penduduk/pemilik atau badan/entiti lain yang dibentuk atau akan dibentuk berhubung dengan pembangunan kami, penasihat profesional kami, agensi pelaporan kredit, ahli keluarga terdekat anda dan/atau orang yang boleh dihubungi (sekiranya berlaku kecemasan), bakal penerima serah hak, penerima serah hak, penerima pindahan, pemindah, pemeroleh, pemerolehan atau penerima kuasa kami berkenaan dengan hak kami,   kepentingan dan harta, pihak ketiga seperti yang diminta atau dibenarkan oleh anda, kakitangan keselamatan dan keselamatan, pihak ketiga disebabkan oleh sebarang pelaksanaan penstrukturan semula korporat, jabatan/agensi kerajaan, badan kawal selia dan berkanun, pihak berkuasa kesihatan/hospital, dan/atau pihak ketiga lain untuk mana-mana Tujuan; dan
  6. sebagai tambahan kepada perkara di atas, data peribadi anda boleh didedahkan ke tempat lain di luar Malaysia, jika diperlukan.


Avaland akan mengekalkan Data Peribadi anda untuk kegunaan Avaland dan/atau anak syarikatnya yang selaras dengan Akta.Data Peribadi anda akan disimpan sama ada dalam salinan cetak di pejabat kami atau disimpan dalam pelayan yang terletak di dalam atau di luar Malaysia yang dikendalikan oleh Avaland atau pembekal perkhidmatannya di dalam atau di luar Malaysia. 

Sebarang Data Peribadi yang dibekalkan oleh anda akan disimpan oleh Avaland selama yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi Tujuan yang dinyatakan dalam perkara (D) di atas atau diperlukan untuk memenuhi sebarang keperluan undang-undang, kawal selia dan/atau perakaunan atau untuk melindungi kepentingan Avaland.Avaland tidak menawarkan sebarang kemudahan dalam talian untuk anda memadamkan Data Peribadi anda yang dipegang oleh kami. Avaland akan mengambil semua langkah yang munasabah untuk memastikan bahawa semua maklumat Peribadi yang tidak relevan atau berlebihan dimusnahkan atau dibuat tanpa nama secepat mungkin.


Kami akan melaksanakan semua langkah yang sesuai untuk memastikan keselamatan dan kerahsiaan Data Peribadi anda. Kami akan mengambil langkah untuk memastikan bahawa pihak ketiga yang menerima Data Peribadi akan melindungi privasi anda, memastikan Data Peribadi anda selamat dan memprosesnya mengikut undang-undang yang berkenaan. Kami akan memeterai kontrak yang sesuai dengan pihak ketiga, yang menetapkan jaminan yang mencukupi berkenaan dengan langkah-langkah keselamatan teknikal dan organisasi yang mengawal pemprosesan Data Peribadi anda dan memastikan bahawa pihak ketiga mengambil langkah yang munasabah untuk mematuhi langkah-langkah tersebut.


Menurut Akta, anda mempunyai hak berikut berkenaan dengan Data Peribadi anda:

  1. untuk meminta akses kepada dan membuat pembetulan Data Peribadi anda yang disimpan dan dipegang oleh Avaland;
  2. untuk meminta Avaland berhenti memproses Data Peribadi anda yang akan menyebabkan kerosakan atau kesusahan kepada anda;
  3. untuk meminta Avaland mengehadkan pemprosesan Data Peribadi anda;
  4. untuk meminta Avaland berhenti memproses Data Peribadi anda untuk tujuan pemasaran langsung; dan
  5. untuk menarik balik persetujuan anda untuk Avaland terus memproses Data Peribadi anda.


Notis Privasi ini boleh disemak dari semasa ke semasa dan versi yang dikemas kini akan terpakai dan menggantikan mana-mana dan semua versi sebelumnya. Jika kami membuat sebarang perubahan pada Notis Privasi ini, kami akan menyiarkan perubahan tersebut pada https://www.avaland.com.my/pdpa-privacy-policy/. Anda akan dianggap telah bersetuju dengan perubahan tersebut. Jika anda tidak bersetuju dengan perubahan tersebut, anda boleh memberitahu kami di butiran hubungan yang disediakan di bawah.


Jika anda ingin menggunakan mana-mana hak anda di atas atau membuat sebarang pertanyaan atau aduan berkenaan dengan Perlindungan Data Peribadi dan Dasar Privasi anda dan/atau berhasrat untuk mengemas kini data peribadi anda atau mempunyai sebarang aduan tentang laman web Avaland, sila hubungi jabatan Avaland yang berkaitan melalui telefon, faks atau mel seperti yang dinyatakan di bawah:-

Jabatan untuk dihubungi:Penglibatan Pelanggan & Pengurus Kesetiaan
No. Telefon:03-5878 9090
Faksimili No:03-5878 9009
Alamat e-mel: [email protected]
Alamat pos:

Avaland Berhad 

(Syarikat No. 200901038653 [881786-X])

Lot C-02, Aras 2,

SkyPark @ One City,

Jalan USJ 25/1,

47650 Subang Jaya,

Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Tel: +603-5878 9000

Faks: +603-5878 9009




    We pride ourselves in offering learning opportunities, invaluable working experience and transferable skills within the range of specialized fields that add value for career advancement.

    It also helps the company to tap on future talents.



    Sales Person

    Work Location

    Anja Bangi
    Cybersouth @ Dengkil – Casa Embun Project
    2Fifth Avenue (Alora) @ Subang Jaya
    Aetas @ Damansara, Seputeh & Taman Desa

    Job Type

    Contract (1-year, renewable)

    Career Level


    Years of Experience

    Minimum of 1 year property sales experience would be ideal

    • Achieve individual sales targets as set and overall business objectives.
    • Attend to all customer enquiries, feedback, and complaints promptly.
    • Prepare a prospective follow-up report and compile/solicit a registration database prior to launch while maximizing registration awareness.
    • Ensure timely submission of the weekly aging report with accurate information for tracking and conversion forecast purposes. Ensure sales conversion is completed within the stipulated timeframe.
    • Ensure all sales packages and promotional information are presented correctly to prospective buyers.
    • Ensure show village/show units/sales office/exhibition booth are in tip-top condition. Manage the cleaners and security guards and liaise with property management to ensure that the sales gallery and show units (SGSU) is in good order.
    • Key-in all registration data into the customer relationship management system following the guidelines issued by the marketing team.
    • Provide feedback to the Marketing team on new marketing strategies, service quality, etc.
    • Identify and participate in all sales launches and promotional events locally or overseas.
    • Conduct market research for continuous updates on market intelligence to establish better market positioning for assigned project(s).
    • Submit each loan application to our panel banks on behalf of our purchasers and follow up on the application status with the bank regularly.
    • Inform solicitors, and the Sales and Administration department to prepare the Sales and Purchase Agreement, and loan agreement.
    • Cross-promote and sell all real estate projects under Avaland Berhad group of companies whenever needed.
    • Build and maintain good relationships with existing and potential customers to increase customer base and loyalty.
    • Observe, comply, and be conversant with all rules and regulations affecting the Company’s business introduced from time to time.
    • Any other duty & responsibility which the company may assign from time to time.
    • Provide coaching, guidance, performance reviews, and feedback to staff regarding their work performance, and relay this information to your superior. Guide team members to ensure efficiency in leads management. Participate in role-playing with the team to improve sales presentations.
    • Brief and guide new Relationship Associates (RA) on project details, packages, and calculations. Assist the RAs in addressing challenges in their sales.
    • Conduct agent briefings. Supervise and assist the real estate agents to ensure a seamless support and sales process.
    • Arrange the monthly duty roster and share it out on a weekly basis to ensure sufficient manpower in SGSU and roadshow.

    • Able to multi-task, possess a pleasant disposition, well organized and excellent in time management with good follow-up skills.
    • Good interpersonal and communication skills
    • Self motivated, energetic with a passion to succeed.
    • Computer literate.



    Sales Person

    Work Location

    Anja Bangi
    Cybersouth @ Dengkil – Casa Embun Project
    2Fifth Avenue (Alora) @ Subang Jaya
    Aetas @ Damansara, Seputeh & Taman Desa

    Job Type

    Contract (1-year, renewable)

    Career Level


    Years of Experience

    Minimum of 1 year property sales experience would be ideal

    • Achieve individual sales targets as set and overall business objectives.
    • Attend to all customer enquiries, feedback, and complaints promptly.
    • Prepare a prospective follow-up report and compile/solicit a registration database prior to launch while maximizing registration awareness.
    • Ensure timely submission of the weekly aging report with accurate information for tracking and conversion forecast purposes. Ensure sales conversion is completed within the stipulated timeframe.
    • Ensure all sales packages and promotional information are presented correctly to prospective buyers.
    • Ensure show village/show units/sales office/exhibition booth are in tip-top condition.
    • Key-in all registration data into the customer relationship management system following the guidelines issued by the marketing team.
    • Provide feedback to the Marketing team on new marketing strategies, service quality, etc.
    • Identify and participate in all sales launches and promotional events locally or overseas.
    • Conduct market research for continuous updates on market intelligence to establish better market positioning for assigned project(s).
    • Submit each loan application to our panel banks on behalf of our purchasers and follow up on the application status with the bank regularly.
    • Inform solicitors, the Sales and Administration department to prepare the Sales and Purchase Agreement, and loan agreement.
    • Cross-promote and sell all real estate projects under Avaland Berhad group of companies whenever needed.
    • Build and maintain good relationships with existing and potential customers to increase customer base and loyalty.
    • Observe, comply, and be conversant with all rules and regulations affecting the Company’s business introduced from time to time.
    • Any other duty & responsibility which the company may assign from time to time

    • Able to multi-task, possess a pleasant disposition, well organized and excellent in time management with good follow-up skills.
    • Good interpersonal and communication skills
    • Self motivated, energetic with a passion to succeed.
    • Computer literate.




    Job Purpose

    Oversee whole spectrum of sales & marketing work scope based on assigned projects.

    • To implement all policies, activities, procedures as relevant and required by the property development system.
    • To undertake any and all duties and responsibilities as so instructed by the superior.
    • Develop innovative marketing strategies and providing strategic and tactical direction besides creating a well-defined position in the market place and the overall management of marketing functions.
    • Identify new business opportunities and ensure feasibility studies are carried out, provide reliable and sound analysis, reports and recommendations on your market intelligence, findings and information of other project development activities that may be in relation to the Group’s business activities.
    • Lead a team of sales & marketing professional to achieve the Group’s sales targets / business objectives and improve profitability.
    • Provide overall direction for sales promotional / packaging and review in accordance to market sentiment, buyers’ response and take-up rate.
    • Ensure high effectiveness and efficiency among internal sales team and constantly improve internal sales capabilities.
    • Develop, plan and ensure effective implementation of tactical / ad-hoc sales campaigns.
    • Provide direction for product development, differentiation and innovation which includes specification, sizes, features, facilities and other related provisions.
    • Develop project’s creative concept and positioning by working closely with creative and digital agency in reaching target segment / audience.
    • Consistent update of competitors’ dynamic, buyers’ preference and authorities’ regulatory.
    • Provide product briefing to internal sales team, appointed real estate agencies and panel solicitors.
    • Source and recommend for qualified consultants in developing interior design concept for show units and landscape concept for assigned projects.
    • Custody of company’s overall branding, corporate branding compliance and initiate re-branding exercise whenever needed
    • Assist in land banking related task and adhoc market intelligence assignment whenever needed.
    • Provide constructive input in mitigating business risk and take proactive approach in addressing risk management related compliance.
    • Observe, comply and be conversant with all rules and regulations affecting the Company’s businesses from time to time as may be introduced thereto.
    • Ensure setting up of proper, safe and sound operational procedures, policies and guidelines

    • Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Advanced/ Higher/ Graduate Diploma, Degree in business, marketing or related field
    • At least 5-7 years of working experience in property development industry
    • Able to multi-task, well organized and excellent in time management in handling multiple projects
    • Good interpersonal and communication skills



    Power App Developper

    Job Purpose

    To provide strategic guidance, technical solutions, and best practices to optimize our digital workplace environments. Plan, designed, configured, and troubleshoot a Microsoft 365 integrated communication solution at an organization.

    • Design, Develop, and Document Solutions: the forefront of designing, developing, and documenting solutions for Microsoft Teams and SharePoint using the Power Platform suite.
    • To be proficient in SharePoint development, both on-premises and SharePoint Online, to build and troubleshoot innovative solutions that meet business requirements.
    • Automate workflows and business processes using Power Automate and Power Apps.
    • Provide technical support and assistance in system maintenance, demonstrating strong troubleshooting and problem-solving abilities.
    • Contribute to efficient change management in a dynamic multi-platform environment.
    • Interact closely with IT teams, gathering and understanding requirements to deliver solutions that exceed expectations.
    • To administer, configure, and support Microsoft 365 services such as Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, Power BI, PowerApps, and Power Automate.
    • Prepare development documentation (Functional, Program, User Specification and UAT).
    • Assist in design system and analysis of program specification.
    • Lead workshops, meetings, and presentations to convey technical solutions and strategies.

    • Candidate must possess at least a degree in computer science/information technology or equivalent.
    • Minimum 5 years of hands-on work experience.
    • Have relevant experience or skillset in Microsoft 365.
    • Have experience/knowledge of requirement analysis, design, and unit testing.
    • Good communication (written and spoken) and interpersonal skills.
    • Ability to work independently and work with cross-functional teams.
    • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
    • Able to work under pressure and tight timelines.
    • Able to perform any other task assigned by the supervisor.



    Work Location

    Lakefront @ Cyberjaya
    Cyberjaya @ Dengkil

    Job Type


    Career Level


    Years of Experience

    1 to 2 years

    • Building facilities operation and switching
    • Attend breakdown and trouble shoot in all aspect of Civil, Architecture, Air Condition, Electrical and Mechanical works
    • Routine inspection and maintenance work
    • Minor Installation, includes simple facilities set up
    • Prepare the Record for daily servicing and inspection
    • Other work to be assigned from time to time

    • Min SKM 1 Certification or SPM with 2 – 3 years working experience.
    • Must have a sound knowledge in maintain, repair and trouble shoot of Plumbing, C&S and M&E services.
    • Min SPM with at least 2 – 3 years of related working experience in high-rise building, or shopping complex.
    • With Tertiary School Certificate / Diploma, in Air Conditioning, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing and C&S.




    Work Location

    Subang Jaya

    • Ensure M&E systems are in compliance with Acts and By-laws
    • Establish M&E standards which are efficient , cost effective, reliable and maintenance friendly.
    • To participate in the building design stage in order to incorporate the standards into the building design from Up-Stream
    • Setup operational SOP for all M&E systems i.e Electrical, Aircond , BAS, FPS/FAS, Pumps, Plumbing Gas, ELV, Lift and Escalator system and equipment etc for all sites managed by AVL Property Management
    • Review M&E design drawings
    • Participate in TCM/CCM meetings
    • Participate in Tender and VE exercise
    • T&C before HOVP and acceptance before CPC
    • Organise monthly inspection of building M&E services
    • Provide technical support to all building manage by AVL Property Management

    • Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering
    • 3-5 years working experience in design environment
    • Good understanding M&E systems requirement and compliance
    • Experience in construction and operation of building M&E systems




    Work Location

    Subang Jaya

    • For Malaysia and Oversee Reporting purpose: To lead the financial closing of monthly management accounts inclusive of all approval of accounting entries, income statement, balance sheet, cashflow statement, tax computation, and any other relevant reports needed.
    • Prepare and update project cashflow projection.
    • Ensure all audit and tax schedules are being reconciled and updated for income statement and balance sheet items, if applicable.
    • Review all tax estimation for periodic tax self-assessment together with Group Tax Department.
    • Liaise with external inclusive assisting / leading the team to complete audit checklist and documentation prior to audit commencement.
    • Assist on budgeting: Yearly and Periodic Review
    • To prepare and analyze monthly profit recognition
    • Project Financial Feasibilities: Monitor and Update
    • In charge of the drafting of audit financial report together with the team.
    • Liaise with all relevant parties, internal and external such as banker, auditors, business units and etc for the above

    • Bachelor’s degree/Professional qualification in Finance / Accounts / Accountancy or equivalent with minimum of 5 years working experience.
    • Familiar with Construction and Property Development Industry is an added advantage
    • Team player with a positive working attitude and have a strong sense of responsibility, good analytical and communication skill.
    • Able to enjoy working in a fast pace environment.



    Design & Planning

    Work Location

    HQ Office

    Job Type


    Career Level


    Years of Experience

    Minimum 5 years experience (at least 3 years in Property Development company).

    • Shortlisting of consultants who are relevant to the project(s).
    • Formulate Design Brief and Request-for-Proposal (RFP) pro-forma.
    • Evaluate and scrutinize design proposals.
    • Establish design timeline – design progression, submission to Authorities etc.
    • Manage deliverables throughout the Design Process – Concept, Schematic, Detailed Design.
    • Design/Specification Standardization across the developed products/building scheme.
    • Drive consultants towards a cost-efficient design and product.
    • Thorough coordination across other disciplines – C&S, M&E, Landscape, ID, Lighting etc.
    • Timely submission/approval process to Local Authorities.
    • Readiness of comprehensive tender/construction documentations & mitigate grey areas.
    • Support to the other operation teams with regards to Development Data, Sales & Marketing materials, Renovation/Maintenance Manual etc.

    • Bachelors/Advanced Diploma (or equivalent) in Architecture.
    • LAM/PAM Part 2 Registered
    • Passionate in Masterplan/Township and High-rise Residential
    • Experience in retail is an advantage
    • Proficiency in Microsoft Office – primarily Powerpoint, Excel and Words.
    • Good communication – both oral and writing
    • Positive attitude and team player




    Work Location

    Subang Jaya

    • Responsible to assist, control & coordinate activities of property development & construction in the Pre-& Post contract stage.
    • Conduct reliable, accurate cost estimation, feasibilities study, cashflow and business plan budget
    • Prepare tender schedule, review tender documents, administrative tender activities and timely award the contract within budget
    • Familiar with PAM form of building contracts and able to manage contractual risks
    • Prepare recommendation paper for development projects, to appoint consultants, contractors and suppliers
    • Support procurement system & tools in areas of training. Trouble shooting and data management
    • Provide best practices and market intelligence on vendor identification, pre-qualification, selection, performance evaluation, in order to enhance supply chain for property development
    • Add value to property by conducting research for new materials, substitution alternative materials
    • Process re-engineering & improvement to continuously improve effectiveness and efficiency of internal process
    • Capacity in cross checking various type of drawings & Error identification of construction drawings
    • Ensure completion of project within budget, timeline and quality objectives
    • Full Understanding of all technical department procedures and requirement
    • Performing other duties as assigned

    • Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Degree in Quantity Surveying or equivalent.
    • At least 6-8 years relevant experience.
    • Required skill(s): MS Excel, MS Office, MS Word, MS Project
    • Possess knowledge in the local construction contracting and tendering operations and processes.
    • Process good communication and interpersonal skills.
    • Able to multi-task, possess a pleasant disposition, well organized and excellent in time management with good follow-up skills.




    Work Location

    Metropark @ Subang Jaya – Alira Project
    SPCJ @ Cyberjaya

    Job Type


    Years of Experience

    At least 7 years working experience in related field

    Career Level


    • To prepare Project Execution Plan, Programming Management and Project Management Report
    • To monitor the “Consultants supervisory and Inspection team” e.g. Resident Architect / Engineer, Inspector of Work (Architecture, C&S and M&E) for conformity.
    • To manage the team of consultants, contractors in periodic meeting, workshop and discussion.
    • Coordinate Clash Analysis together with project consultants
    • To conduct progress Site Inspection together with Consultants (Arch, C&S, M&E)
    • Requires visiting site to resolve site issues.

    • Ensure works carry out in accordance with the contract drawing and specification, completed within schedule.
    • Highlighted problems at site or discrepancy in design and drawing propose cost saving solution before implementation.

    • Degree in Architecture/ Engineering/ Construction Management/ Project Management or related disciplines



    C&S, M&E & Architecture

    Work Location

    Lakefront @ Cyberjaya – Sanderling
    Cybersouth @ Dengkil – Casa Embun
    2Fifth Avenue @ Subang Jaya – Alora
    Metropark @ Subang Jaya – Alira
    Aetas @ Damansara

    Job Type

    Contract (2 years)

    Years of Experience

    7 – 10 years of experience in design and construction supervision of architecture / engineering work of high rise, township and mix development projects

    Career Level

    Senior Executive

    Job Purpose

    Ensuring of timely project implementation and project delivery within the define standard, design, timeline, budget and quality.

    • Oversee, perform, coordinate and supervise inspections throughout project sites to monitor on-going Architectural / Engineering works / Mechanical & Electrical works.
    • Analyse reports, drawings and tests on soil composition, terrain, hydrological characteristics, and other topographical and geological data to plan and design.
    • Review preliminary plans and specifications of works. Prepare authorizations for change orders regarding construction revisions.
    • Inspect construction site to monitor progress and ensure conformance to architecture / engineering / M&E plans, specifications, and construction and safety standards.
    • Resolve design or construction problems and meet with contractors and the public.
    • Representative for all aspect of on-site design and quality control and assurance of physical works.
    • Attend internal audit training and to conduct internal audit as and when required by the company.
    • Liaise with other consultants resident site staff throughout the project
    • Conduct site meetings with the Main Contractor on a regular basis
    • Monitor productivity and progress work at site
    • Ensure the Main Contractor maintain good house keeping
    • Ensure all construction works are carried out in accordance with drawings, specifications, construction plan, procedures, method statement, etc
    • Check M&E drawings coordination for discrepancies with architectural & structural drawings and report to project consultants
    • Ensure construction materials are in accordance with approved drawings/shop drawings and specifications
    • Carry out inspection and tests as per Inspection and Test Plan
    • Witness, testing and commissioning activities by Main Contractor, suppliers and other consultants
    • Report to the Team Leader/Project Architect/ Project M&E Engineer problems encountered at construction site
    • Record, monitor and report all non-conformance
    • Implement any and all related policies, procedures and work instructions as so defined in the Company’s Quality Management System
    • Preparation of any related project documents and project schedules.
    • To analyse survey reports, maps, drawings and blueprints.

    • Minimum Diploma or Advance Certificate in Architecture / Civil & Structural Engineering / Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
    • Registered Resident Architect / Engineer in the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) / Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM) as Inspector of Work Experiences
    • Seven (7) to Ten (10) years of experience in design and construction supervision of architecture / engineering work of high rise, township and mix development projects
    • Exposed to project management: planning, design, implementation and completion of project development


  • Mr. Apollo Bello Tanco was redesignated as Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer on 1 January 2024. He previously served as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on our Board and was our Chief Operating Officer from 4 March 2019 to 30 December 2022.

    He graduated cum laude from the Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, with a Bachelor of Science in Commerce, majoring in Accounting in 1987. He earned his Master of Arts in Applied Business Economics from the University of Asia and the Pacific in 1994. He is also a Certified Public Accountant who passed the Philippine licensure exams in 1987.

    He has been with Ayala Land for close to 30 years and brings with him a wealth of both technical and management experience. He served as the Senior Estate Development Head at Ayala Land and is responsible for the development five townships covering almost 5,500 acres. He also served as the Head of Project and Strategic Management Group of Avida Land Corp., which is the development arm of Ayala Land that serves the middle-income segment.

    He is currently serving as a director of our Group and is also a director of Avaland Holdings Bhd., a non-listed public company.

    Save for the above, he does not hold any other directorship in public companies and listed issuers in Malaysia.